3 Tips for a Good Work-Life Balance

pouring coffee into mugs that are balancing: work-life balance

Whether you’re balancing school, work, social ife, family, friends, and more, creating the right work-life balance can be a challenge. Here you can find some of the ways I approach this issue and maybe it can help you.

Disclaimer: This post tries to tailor to both a student’s (aka college) work-life balance as well as the professional work-life balance. This is also just my experience, and serious advice should be taken from professionals and/or learned from what works best for you.

Check out these statistics from business professionals.

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“Happy is he who can forget what cannot be changed.”

German Proverb

Many struggle with not dwelling on past situations – recent or distant. It can be as small as overthinking something embarrassing said to large events that happened. This quotation is a reminder to stay in the present moment and not waste time on those instances that we can’t change because they already happened. 


As one gets deeper into classes or work, you may deal with the dilemma between studying/working or socializing and pushing the work for later. As the days get more challenging, these can be pressing demands for a start to college or job.

Reflect: Do you feel better when you study/work first?

  • It could help to adopt the patience to have fun later

In the short-term, you may be upset that you have less time for enjoyment, but in the long run, you may feel less stressed about classes. Adpot this self-control.

Reflect: If you don’t prioritize studying, do you feel anxious about classes while spending time with friends, therefore not absorbing the full experience anyway?


Is the content and workload of some classes/tasks challenging?

  • Developed new/better routines and habits
    • Skills to focus on: organization, time management, prioritization, etc.
  • Studying/work and entertaining social interactions versus an abundance of watching media and phone addiction
  • Keep in touch with self-care: sleep, fuelling yourself, getting movement in
  • Change your mindset about the negative feelings that accompany a heavy workload such as comparison, inferiority intelligense-wise, and demotivation
    • Express more gratitude:
      • for what you’ve finished
      • that it’s not more than it is
      • that you may still be at a point where you get good sleep and/or are healthy
      • having access to this education/job.

If it doesn’t challenge you it won’t change you.

Fred DeVito

The Reminders

Remind yourself of…

  • why? why are you doing this? why are you here?
  • what’s the long-term goal?
  • is the aternatvie of what you’d be doing really better?
  • the effort it has taken you to get to this point
  • who you value in your life
  • where you want to invest your time in?
    • ROI: return on investment
    • is it worth your time?

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