7 Things to Take Advantage of that’s FREE in College

Is anything truly free in college with all that tuition? I don’t know. But what I do know is there are plenty of “no additional cost” resources, events, and opportunities offered at colleges that many don’t take advantage of. “Either you take advantage of college…

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My Top Study Strategies + Tips

Looking for helpful study strategies? These can help you in college, high school, or really any situation in which you need to learn something efficiently. How long you study doesn’t necessarily correlate with better outcomes, it depends on how you study. Note, these tips may…

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3 Tips for a Good Work-Life Balance

Whether you’re balancing school, work, social ife, family, friends, and more, creating the right work-life balance can be a challenge. Here you can find some of the ways I approach this issue and maybe it can help you. Disclaimer: This post tries to tailor to…

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9 Items You Might Forget to Pack for Your Trip

There’s always something you forget to pack, right? Well, maybe this list can help you answer that question or avoid “yes” as an answer. We all get that feeling. The feeling as if we didn’t check enough and later when it’s too late we’ll remember…

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9 Fun Things To Do in San Diego

You want to know what to do in San Diego? Well, apart from the infamous San Diego Zoo, SeaWorld, and the beaches, I’ve listed some of the best activities to do and places to go in this beautiful Southern California city. Many of these are…

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