5 Free Study Spots You Need to Try

Whether you’re in school, working remotely, or simply need some new places to be productive, here are 5 (maybe new) free study spots for you. Don’t bring your work home and don’t bring your home to work ? Maybe you’ve been getting bored of your…

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5 Reasons Why That WAS Worth Your Time

Have you ever attended an event, gone somewhere, or spent time on something and afterward regretted going or doing it because you thought it was a waste of your time? Is that frustrating you? Well, I’m here to let you know how you can reflect…

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My Top Study Strategies + Tips

Looking for helpful study strategies? These can help you in college, high school, or really any situation in which you need to learn something efficiently. How long you study doesn’t necessarily correlate with better outcomes, it depends on how you study. Note, these tips may…

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3 Tips for a Good Work-Life Balance

Whether you’re balancing school, work, social ife, family, friends, and more, creating the right work-life balance can be a challenge. Here you can find some of the ways I approach this issue and maybe it can help you. Disclaimer: This post tries to tailor to…

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The Father’s Day Business

Contrary to some belief, Father’s Day is not one of those holidays scheming to primarily make business. It actually has a wholesome origin. But it has indeed become a benefit to businesses that you can learn about here. Hunting for gifts? Check out these 7…

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7 FREE Gift Ideas for Father’s Day

If don’t want to spend money but still want a great gift for your dad, these are the best free gift ideas for Father’s Day that may even be better than bought gifts. The best gifts aren’t necessarily worth thousands, hundreds, or even tens of…

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11 Ways to Get Motivated

Sometimes it can be hard to get motivated. Do you ever just feel you’re in a funk? Like this mood that overcomes you of not wanting to do anything productive. Sometimes you can find the source of your unmotivated feelings, but sometimes you just can’t.…

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