The Valentine’s Day Business

For a holiday that often feels like you’re obligated to buy for your loved ones, what does the Valentine’s day business actually look like?
Is it typically just flowers, “Happy Valentine’s Day” cards, and candy/chocolates that rain sales on this day?
Here’s a swift rundown of the holiday’s origin for some context. It came from ancient Rome when they celebrated the feast of Lupercalia. It was essentially a festival celebrating fertility on February 15th.
Don’t miss The Father’s Day Business including 5 Ideas to Optimize Father’s Day for YOUR BUSINESS!
Here are some other suggested related reads:
- Commercialization of Valentine’s Day
- The Hidden History of Valentine’s Day
- Valentine’s Day 2022 US Census
Here are the Statistics (U.S.)
Spending on Valentine’s Day in the US
- $23.9 billion in 2022
- $21.8 billion in 2021
- $27.4 billion in 2020
- $20.7 billion in 2019
- $19.6 billion in 2018
Average Spending of Gifts per Person
- $175.41 in 2022
- $164.76 2021
Do you spend that much on Valentine’s Day?
Almost 1/3 of people in relationships are obtaining credit card debt for Valentine’s Day shopping. 43% won’t share this with their significant other.
- On average, men spend more money than women on Valentine’s Day
- Consumers spend also spend gifts on their pets: 27% did for their pets in 2020
What Products? (2022)
- 56%: candy
- 40%: greetings cards
- 37%: flowers
- 31%: going out evening
- 22%: jewelry
What do you spend more money on for this holiday?
Shopping from Where?
- online: 41%
- department stores: 32%
- discount stores: 28%
- local small businesses: 18%
- florists: 17%
I don’t know about you, but the florist is our primary destination for our loved one’s gifts on Valentine’s Day. Maybe the shopping statistic is surprising, maybe it’s not – given online shopping’s obvious popularity.
What Companies are Making Profit on Valentine’s Day?
Here you’ll find a couple of companies that thrive on Valentine’s Day, proceeded by the product that is highly profitable on this day.
- Chocolate: The Hershey Company
- Cards: Hallmark
- Clothing & Lingerie: Victoria’s Secret
- Jewelry: Tiffany & Co
- Flowers: 1-800-Flowers
Searching for Gluten Free Restaurants this Valentine’s?
- Gluten Free in Boston: 10 Must Go Places
- Gluten Free in San Diego: 7 Best Restaurants/Cafes (vegan too)
- Gluten Free in San Francisco: 9 Restaurants
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- Gluten Free in Rome: 9 Restaurants & Bakeries
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