European Photo Collage: Experience Parts of Europe

If you’ve wondered what certain cities in Europe look like, here in this European photo collage, you can envision some of the beauty through still media. There are features of everything from a large view of the Roman Forum to looking out from the inside…

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9 Items You Might Forget to Pack for Your Trip

There’s always something you forget to pack, right? Well, maybe this list can help you answer that question or avoid “yes” as an answer. We all get that feeling. The feeling as if we didn’t check enough and later when it’s too late we’ll remember…

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Gluten Free in Rome: 9 Restaurants & Bakeries

Eating gluten free in Rome is can be quite easy and super delicious. With a cuisine full of bread, pizza, and pasta, it sounds like it would be extremely difficult to eat gluten free in Italy, but it’s the contrary. Around 1% of Italians are…

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Easy Hummus Recipe & Applications

Looking for an easy hummus recipe? If you have a blender, you can throw these ingredients together and get a delicious dip, spread, or whatever way you want to eat it. The perk is you won’t be confined to a store-bought 10 oz tub of…

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5 Starbucks Business Strategies that Make it so Successful

Starbucks dominates in the coffee industry, but what of Starbucks’ business strategies made it so successful? From Seattle to worldwide, Starbucks has become a coffee monopoly taking up around 57% of the total cafe market. Let’s find out some strategies that have helped them. Background…

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9 Fun Things To Do in San Diego

You want to know what to do in San Diego? Well, apart from the infamous San Diego Zoo, SeaWorld, and the beaches, I’ve listed some of the best activities to do and places to go in this beautiful Southern California city. Many of these are…

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Sushi Guide: 5 Different Ways

Do you love sushi but are tired of always buying it? Well, try out this sushi guide to learn how to easily make it at home. Sushi can be expensive and so might not be eaten as much as wanted. Even if you have little…

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The Father’s Day Business

Contrary to some belief, Father’s Day is not one of those holidays scheming to primarily make business. It actually has a wholesome origin. But it has indeed become a benefit to businesses that you can learn about here. Hunting for gifts? Check out these 7…

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7 FREE Gift Ideas for Father’s Day

If don’t want to spend money but still want a great gift for your dad, these are the best free gift ideas for Father’s Day that may even be better than bought gifts. The best gifts aren’t necessarily worth thousands, hundreds, or even tens of…

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