Why You Need to Attend an Educational Conference

Are you an educator, principal, or connected to the field of education and academia in one way or another? Then an educational conference may be the right fit for you. After serving as an ambassador at educational conferences, here are some thoughts and insights you…

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5 Digital Marketing Trends in 2022

As the digital world is changing rapidly so are the marketing trends in the space. It’s tough to choose just five, but these digital marketing trends in 2022 are heavily impacting companies’ success. From advertisements that seem familiar to excessive subscription requests, here’s an overview.…

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9 Random Things Worth Taking The Time to Learn

Looking to gain fundamental knowledge or skills – I highly recommend taking time to learn these things. These concepts may improve the way you live in different aspects from personal, social, and skill-level growth. 1. How to use Chopsticks Using chopsticks elevates any meal that people…

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5 Starbucks Business Strategies that Make it so Successful

Starbucks dominates in the coffee industry, but what of Starbucks’ business strategies made it so successful? From Seattle to worldwide, Starbucks has become a coffee monopoly taking up around 57% of the total cafe market. Let’s find out some strategies that have helped them. Background…

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The Social Dilemma: Review + Learn

If you’re looking for an interesting documentary that probably impacts your life heavily, The Social Dilemma is it. The film won’t bore you, yet will give you lots of valuable information. Sometimes understanding technology more deeply can be confusing, but the documentary breaks it down.…

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Should I Major in Data Science or Computer Science?

Are you facing the decision between a computer science or data science major? There are many scenarios that you could be in. Data science and computer science majors may both be offered at your institution. Maybe you’re choosing schools based on if they offer these…

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3 Interesting Ways FOOD and TECHNOLOGY Intersect

One of the things that makes technology so interesting is its infinite applications. Food and Technology is one of them! Everything from sustainability to art to business can also intersect with technology. Check out the interesting and innovative ways food and technology can be combined.…

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