9 Random Things Worth Taking The Time to Learn

Looking to gain fundamental knowledge or skills – I highly recommend taking time to learn these things. These concepts may improve the way you live in different aspects from personal, social, and skill-level growth.
1. How to use Chopsticks
Using chopsticks elevates any meal that people typically eat chopsticks with – sushi, certain noodle and rice dishes, etc. If you usually eat these foods with other utensils (or your hands), once you learn chopsticks it’ll make the experience more authentic and probably even more fun.
If you are a person who naturally eats fast, chopsticks may help you enjoy the food more – and at a paced speed.
Also, if you ever visit countries that use chopsticks on a regular basis you’ll feel much more connected to the culture and environment.
In the beginning, your hand may cramp up or you get tired of it mid-eating. But after a while, you’ll get the hang of it. Here’s a video to learn!
2. This Shoe-tie Method
If you don’t tie your shoes using the Ian Knot method what are you doing?! It’s fast, efficient, and looks cool. Once you learn to tie your shoe this way, you won’t want to go back to the bunny method, the standard method, or any other method.
It may take a couple of tries to learn, but it’s not as difficult as it may look or feel at first.
3. How to Maintain Good Posture
It’s so easy to fall into the habit of slouching, walking with bad posture, or sitting hunched over at a computer. We all know that this will have increased negative results as you get older, and be more difficult to fix. Instead, learn to intentionally keep your back straight and shoulders back.
Easier said than done right? Here are 3 tips:
- Is there a route you consistently walk? For example, you often walk to a certain coffee shop. Or your route to … work, … the bus stop, … class, etc. Dedicate that walk to intentionally walking with good posture. Doing this in small increments can help you build up to longer periods of time with good posture.
- Work out back, arms, and abs at the gym. Strengthening these can help towards good posture. Along with that make sure you stretch these areas. There are even posture workout videos to try.
- Invest in proper chairs that are not harmful to your positioning.
4. How to Cook Healthy & Yummy Food
Learning to cook is such a key part of independence. Even just learning the basics enables you to be able to make food for yourself and lessen your dependence on whoever cooked for you at home (if they did). Maybe you’ll even discover a new hobby or learn about foods you hadn’t been introduced to previously. It’ll help you in the future and can even make you a helpful asset in the kitchen at home.
Try some of these yummy and healthy recipes/guides/ideas below.
Find even more healthy recipes here.
5. A Sport
Many children learn to play or do a particular sport growing up whether that be ballet, martial arts, soccer, gymnastics, etc. Learning at least one sport and doing it consistently for a period of time can help with so many factors. From increasing teamwork skills, leadership, physical health, mental health, and more.
These types are probably fundamentally good to learn at some point in your life:
- Swimming is an essential skill
- Sports such as ballet and gymnastics help a lot with flexibility which people often don’t take as seriously as they should
- Martial Arts such as taekwondo or karate can provide knowledge and skills in self-defense, confidence, etc.
6. Code
Even if you don’t think you want to enter the tech industry, learning how to code – at least one basic language or a basic understanding – is beneficial knowledge these days. Odds are whatever company you work at in the future will most likely use technology in one way or another.
You’ll also get a much larger understanding of the world around you which is heavily influenced and run by tech.
Want to learn more about technology? Check out the tech posts here.
7. How to go on a Camping Trip
Most of us grow up in an environment indoors, with varying exposure to nature, wildlife, and minimalistic living. Learning how to go on a camping trip not only teaches you survival skills but may make you appreciate your living situation more and keep you more in touch with our roots – nature.
- more outdoor exposure – nature, bugs, hikes, etc.
- learning to bring only what you need
- having a smaller shelter (tent)
- spending time without having service – technological use awareness
- limited methods of preparing foods
9. Another Language
One of the things I’m most grateful for is that I’m bilingual – particularly knowing how to speak a language other than English. In the U.S., there’s often limited focus on becoming bilingual in comparison to other countries.
You’ll find that if you travel abroad since English has become such a universal language, many people can speak both English and their home countries’ language – so they’re usually bilingual.
There are so many benefits to knowing more than one language and most people regret not taking the time to learn a second one.
Check out Some Aspects That Make Europe Different from the US
9. Remembering People’s Names
Does this sound familiar?
“Hi, I’m __(name)__.”
“I’m __(name)__.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too!”
And one second later you’ve completely forgotten their name. Maybe you never even really processed it in the first place.
Remembering people’s names after a greeting isn’t the only time people forget. Some have a harder time remembering names than others, but putting in the effort to try and memorize people’s names from the start makes a big difference in social connection and interaction.
I talk more about learning to remember people’s names in 8 Things I Learned Working a Restaurant Job.
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